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Chrysalis is a great way to jumpstart your faith and get it back into action. But, a jumpstart isn't worth much without some gas in the tank. Use the resources on this page to better worship, study, pray, connect, and more!
Maverick City Music
(Old Church Basement) -
Brandon Lake
Benjamin William Hastings
(Sold out, sincerely) -
Elevation Worship
Mosaic MSC
(This is How I Thank the Lord) -
SEU Worship
(Move of God) -
Pat Barrett
(Shelter) -
Cory Asbury
(To Love a Fool) -
Charity Gayle
(Endless Praise)
Love Does by Bob Goff
(Fun christian stories/analogies. Easy Read.) -
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
(Theological ideas and issues. Deep Read.) -
Seamless by Angie Smith
(Understand and be excited reading. Bible Study.) -
Crazy Love by Francis Chan
(The depths of God's love for us. Easy Read.) -
Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman
(Be a follower, not a fan. Deep Read.) -
The Story by Zondervan
(The Bible but as a story book. Bible Story.) -
Grace for the Moment by Max Lucado
(A night and day 365 devotional. Devotions.)
Looking to up your study game and learn more about Christianity? Consider doing a Bible study with members at your table. Whether you are reading alone or with a friend, we would encourage you to start with the New Testament. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are books that tell the story of Jesus' life. We think that is a pretty good place to start. Once you finish that, look into the birth of the church in Acts. Or, look towards some of the letters that Paul writes to churches in Romans, Philippians, or Corinthians. If you need any guidance feel free to reach out to one of the leaders or your local pastor.
Luke 2
(The birth of Jesus Christ.) -
John 15
(Stay connected to Jesus.) -
Matthew 6
(Rules to live by and the Lord's Prayer.) -
The book of James
(5 chapters in the Bible.) -
1 Corinthians 13
(The love chapter.) -
The book of Romans
(Scripture on Salvation.) -
The book of Acts
(After Jesus. The beginning of the church.)
Forest Frank
(Child of God) -
Josiah Queen
(The Prodigal) -
(His Glory Alone II) -
Elevation Rhythm
(This is the Gospel. Growing Pains.) -
(Lofi Hymns) -
Caleb Gordon
(War. Before the Garden 5.) -
(Beautiful. Cry.)
Echo prayer is an app that allows you to add prayer requests and assign reminders to them throughout your day. You can make them repetitive and mark them as complete to look back on. Take your prayer consistency to the next level.
Truth for Life by Alister Begg
Hearing Jesus
The Way UK
Christ with Coffee on Ice
Bible Project
Bible Recap
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