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We hope that you had a once-in-a-lifetime experience at Chrysalis and are excited that you are now a member of the Chrysalis community. Here are a few things to consider now that you have finished your flight!

Share the Chrysalis experience with a friend by sponsoring them for an upcoming flight. Or, sponsor a parent/guardian to attend an adult version of the Chrysalis experience called Emmaus. For more information on communities, CLICK HERE. If you are looking to sign up for Chrysalis, CLICK HERE. And, if you are looking for paper copies of the registration process, click on of the links attached for each individual community.
A “Hoot” is a chance to meet with Christian friends for fellowship, fun, and food! A Hoot is open to all Chrysalis butterflies and their friends (even if they have not attended a flight!). Bring along a friend to introduce them to Chrysalis! Hoots will be held quarterly with dates, times and locations announced well in advance so you can plan to attend.
See Home Page for more information about the next Hoot!
Cornerstone Church of Portsmouth
Portsmouth, Ohio 45662
Hoot information can be found on the Facebook page of Southern Ohio Chrysalis.
Join our Facebook closed group to get all the news on Chrysalis events and to help serve on upcoming Chrysalis flights.
Southern Ohio Chrysalis
Southern Ohio Chrysalis Group
Click Here for a sample letter to share with friends and family that summarizes the Chrysalis experience. You may find this as a helpful tool when trying to describe the events of this past weekend in a concise way.
Here are some areas in which you could be of service:
Kitchen Staff
72-Hour Prayer Vigil
Creating/Writing Agape
Facility Set-up and Tear-down
Bathroom Cleaning During Flight
Financially Sponsoring a Caterpillar
Playing an Instrument or Helping at a Hoot
Be Considered for a Future Team
Feel free to get involved by choosing to SERVE in a capacity that can be signed-up for online or by sending us an email at or by contacting Rochelle Barney (Co-Community Lay Director) at (740) 821-4438.
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